Thursday 7 May 2009

Besslow's Hierarchy of Universal Needs

The idea for this came from a client of my clinic, who I was talking to about the ANH group I run. She thought that Maslow’s hierarchy of needs was relevant, and worth discussing. So I thought about it, and decided to turn the pyramid on it’s head, start at the bottom, and reach to infinity. It’s all a process (See Deepak Chopra’s thread “Insights on Healing…” on the ANH forum), and as it only took about an hour from conception to upload, it will evolve as I get your feedback on it.
It was originally just going to be my pyramid on it’s head, but when I looked further into Maslow’s process, I discovered that later models include transcendence, which overlap with the universal process of increasing the peace. So then I decided to add Maslow’s pyramid to the bottom of mine, so that it became an integrated part, rather than a separate entity.

I'd love you to share your experience of this.

